Healing Your Body After Baby: Positive Progress with Postpartum Diastasis Recti and Physical Therapy

After giving birth, your body goes through enormous changes, both physical and emotional. While many of these changes are temporary, some may last for months or even years after delivery. One condition that affects a significant number of women after giving birth is Diastasis Recti. The good news is that Diastasis Recti is treatable with physical therapy, as well as the support of loved ones and a positive mindset. This blog will outline the positive progress that can be made with postpartum Diastasis Recti and physical therapy, giving you hope for a strong and healthy post-baby body.

The Reality of Postpartum Diastasis Recti

While postpartum Diastasis Recti may sound daunting, the reality is that it is a common condition that affects many women after giving birth. The research shows 100% of women have a Diastasis Recti during the 3rd trimester and upwards of 60% have one postpartum. Diastasis Recti is the separation of the abdominal muscles, which can result in a bulge in the midsection and weakened core muscles.

The good news is that postpartum Diastasis Recti can be treated with physical therapy. By working with a physical therapist, women can strengthen their abdominal muscles and improve their core strength, which can reduce the appearance of the bulge and improve overall posture and function.

It is important to note that healing from Diastasis Recti takes time. It is not a quick fix; taking up to 1 year to heal. Progress may be slow at times as well. Additionally, every woman's body is different, and the timeline for healing may vary.

However, with consistency and dedication to physical therapy exercises, women can see positive progress in their postpartum journey. It is also important for women to have a positive mindset and seek support from loved ones during this process.

In addition to physical therapy, there are also lifestyle changes that can support the healing process. For example, avoiding exercises that can exacerbate Diastasis Recti, such as crunches, and focusing on exercises that engage the deep core muscles. A healthy diet and proper hydration can also aid in the healing process.

Overall, the reality of postpartum Diastasis Recti may seem overwhelming, but with the support of physical therapy, a positive mindset, and lifestyle changes, women can see positive progress and regain strength in their post-baby bodies.

The Hopeful Approach of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a hopeful approach to healing your body after having a baby with Diastasis Recti. With the help of a physical therapist, women can work towards rebuilding their core strength and improving their overall posture and function.

Physical therapy sessions typically involve a series of exercises and stretches designed to target the muscles affected by Diastasis Recti. These exercises may focus on strengthening the deep core muscles, improving the alignment of the hips and spine, and increasing flexibility in the abdominal region.

One of the benefits of physical therapy is that it provides individualized treatment plans based on each woman's specific needs and goals. A physical therapist will work closely with their patient to develop a plan that is safe, effective, and tailored to their unique postpartum needs.

In addition to these exercises, physical therapy can also provide education and guidance on how to avoid exacerbating Diastasis Recti during everyday activities. This education can include tips on proper posture, lifting techniques, and exercises to avoid.

Overall, physical therapy offers a hopeful approach to healing Diastasis Recti after having a baby. With the guidance of a physical therapist, women can work towards rebuilding their core strength, improving their posture and function, and regaining confidence in their bodies. By taking a dedicated and consistent approach to physical therapy, women can see positive progress in their postpartum journey.

The Importance of Consistency and Patience

Consistency and patience are crucial factors in healing Diastasis Recti through physical therapy. Women who have experienced this condition should be committed to their rehabilitation plan and attend their sessions regularly. Inconsistent attendance can hinder progress and potentially prolong the healing process.

Patience is also essential, as healing takes time. Women should not expect overnight results and should understand that their bodies need time to heal and recover. It is important to trust in the process and not become discouraged if progress is slow at first.

In addition to consistency and patience, it is important to follow the guidelines and recommendations provided by the physical therapist. This includes adhering to proper form during exercises, avoiding unsafe movements, and following any at-home exercise routines or modifications provided.

It is also crucial to communicate regularly with the physical therapist and update them on any progress or setbacks. This will allow for adjustments to be made to the treatment plan and ensure that goals are being met.

Overall, consistency and patience are key elements in healing from Diastasis Recti through physical therapy. By committing to the process, adhering to guidelines, and communicating appropriately with the therapist, women can see positive progress and achieve their postpartum goals.


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