Frequently Asked Questions


frequently asked questions. frequently

At enCORE Therapy, we are an out-of-network provider, meaning we have no standing relationships with insurance. We do accept HSA & FSA payments. All appointments are scheduled one-on-one with your therapist for 30’ or 60’ increments. All 1 hour appointments are $180 and 30 minutes are $100. We also offer a 6 visit package listed at $960, which brings your appointments down to $160 each.


If you choose to submit for reimbursement from your insurance company, we will provide a Superbill which will have all the necessary information your insurance company needs. This Superbill can be found on your patient portal under the payment tab. Do understand, insurance dictates the reimbursement rates, not enCORE Therapy.

Doctor Referral

The state of Kansas has what is called, Direct Access. Meaning you can see a PT with no referral from a primary provider. If you live in the Overland Park, Olathe, Mission or Prairive Village area, all you simply need to do is call us directly to schedule. If you prefer your provider be involved in your care, commutation avenues will be set up.

Contact us to get scheduled.
(816) 945-7742

6811 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 304

Overland Park, KS 66202