Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Navigating Perineal Tearing: What Moms Need to Know

Explore our informative blog on perineal tearing during childbirth, covering topics such as episiotomy, instrumental assist births, birthing positions, pushing time, and perineal massage. Learn how open communication with your birth provider is key to a personalized birthing experience. Discover insights and tips to empower your journey into motherhood.

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Postpartum Kelsey Beach Postpartum Kelsey Beach

Embracing Variability in Postpartum Rehab: Beyond Kegels and Breathing

Explore evidence-based postpartum rehab strategies in our latest blog. Learn about non-linear recovery, evidence-backed breathing exercises, and a holistic approach to regain strength. Discover exercises like bridge pose variations, deep squats, and inner thigh leg lifts for a comprehensive postpartum journey. Shift the narrative and embrace the uniqueness of each evidence-based postpartum experience.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Nurturing the Birth Journey: Breathing Techniques for Pelvic Floor Support Beyond Kegels

Explore the transformative power of mindful breathing techniques for pelvic floor support during childbirth. Our comprehensive blog delves into diaphragmatic breathing, visualization, and coordinated techniques, offering expecting mothers alternative approaches beyond traditional Kegels. Join us on this empowering journey to nurture your pelvic floor health and create a harmonious birthing experience.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Attainable Goals for a Healthy Pelvic Floor in 2024: A Holistic Approach for Moms

Embarking on a journey toward a healthy pelvic floor in 2024? Dive into expert advice tailored for moms, encompassing attainable goals for a vibrant pelvic floor. Explore holistic strategies—from breathing techniques and mobility exercises to whole-body strength training, nourishing nutrition, hydration tips, and the often-overlooked significance of quality sleep. Discover how these achievable goals can transform your pelvic floor health, empowering your journey with insights and practices that prioritize your well-being as a mom.

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Birth Kelsey Beach Birth Kelsey Beach

The Scary Truth About Eating and Drinking During Labor

You're about to embark on one of the most intense, awe-inspiring journeys of your life - childbirth! But before you dive headfirst into the world of labor, let's talk about a question that's probably crossed your mind: can you eat and drink during labor? It's a bit like wondering whether to bring snacks to a movie, except this "movie" could last anywhere from a few hours to a day or more. So, let's break down the evidence on eating and drinking during labor.

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Pelvic Floor, urinary incontinence, prolapse Kelsey Beach Pelvic Floor, urinary incontinence, prolapse Kelsey Beach

Rest for the Weary Pelvic Floor: A Mom's Guide to Healing with Incontinence and Prolapse

Hey there, mamas! We need to talk about something that doesn't get nearly enough attention – the art of rest. I know what you're thinking, "Rest? With kids, work, and life, who's got time for that?" Well, I'm here to tell you that if you're dealing with pelvic floor issues like incontinence or prolapse, rest is your secret weapon for healing. And I promise, we'll make it funny and relatable, just like that time you sneezed and... well, you know the rest.

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Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach

Your Pelvis is NOT too Small to Birth a Baby

Ah, the history of birth and the myth of having a "too small" pelvis for natural childbirth have quite the intertwined story. Throughout the centuries, our understanding of childbirth and the pelvis has evolved from ancient mysticism to modern science. In the past, when knowledge was limited, there were fears and superstitions about a woman's ability to give birth naturally, often linked to the size and shape of her pelvis. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Today, we know that a woman's pelvis is incredibly adaptable, designed to accommodate a baby's journey into the world.

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Postpartum, Pelvic Floor Kelsey Beach Postpartum, Pelvic Floor Kelsey Beach

The Myths and Realities: Why Wine Isn't a Treatment for Postpartum Intimacy Pain

Becoming a parent is a life-altering experience filled with joy, love, and undoubtedly, challenges. Among the numerous adjustments new parents face, one topic that often remains unspoken is the pain and discomfort many women encounter during intimacy postpartum. In search of relief, some may turn to a glass of wine, believing it can ease both physical and emotional pain. However, it's essential to debunk this common myth and explore the reasons why wine is not a suitable treatment for postpartum intimacy pain.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

The Nitty-Gritty of Postpartum Weight Loss and Breastfeeding

Hey there, new moms and mom-to-bes! If you're reading this, you've probably embarked on the incredible journey of motherhood and are now navigating the ever-so-delicate balance between breastfeeding and weight loss during the postpartum period. First things first, let me tell you this – you're amazing, and your body is doing something truly remarkable. But let's dive into some hard truths about this particular chapter in your life.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Exploring the Correlation between Breastfeeding, Collagen, and Prolapse

Breastfeeding, a sublime process uniting mothers and infants, is celebrated for its role in providing essential nutrients and building immunity. However, behind this beautiful bond lies a lesser-known aspect: the potential correlation between breastfeeding, collagen dynamics, and the risk of pelvic organ prolapse. This comprehensive exploration delves into the intricate relationship connecting these elements, shedding light on the physiological changes that unfold and the implications they hold.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Empowering Your Birth Experience: The Importance of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy-Based Birth Preparation

As expectant mothers embark on this incredible voyage, it's crucial to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools that can ensure a positive and empowered birth experience. One often underestimated aspect of birth preparation is pelvic floor physical therapy. This specialized approach offers numerous benefits that can pave the way for a smoother, more confident, and empowered childbirth

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

The Art of Pushing: Closed vs Open Glottis Pushing

Closed glottis pushing and open glottis pushing are two different techniques used during the second stage of labor, specifically when a woman is pushing to give birth. These techniques relate to how a woman breathes and pushes during contractions to facilitate the delivery of the baby

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Finding Hope: How Pessaries Can Help With Prolapse

Pessaries, a non-surgical treatment option, have been proven to provide relief and support for women experiencing pelvic organ prolapse. This blog post will explore how pessaries can help with prolapse, the different types available, and the positive impact they can have on a woman's quality of life.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

The Surprising Connection Between Pelvic Floor and Breastfeeding: Reclaiming Joy in Motherhood

One surprising connection that many new mothers may not be aware of is the link between the pelvic floor and breastfeeding. The pelvic floor, a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs, plays a crucial role in breastfeeding success and overall postpartum well-being. Understanding this connection and taking steps to care for your pelvic floor can help new mothers reclaim joy in their motherhood journey.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Healing Your Body After Baby: Positive Progress with Postpartum Diastasis Recti and Physical Therapy

After giving birth, your body goes through enormous changes, both physical and emotional. While many of these changes are temporary, some may last for months or even years after delivery. One condition that affects a significant number of women after giving birth is Diastasis Recti. The good news is that Diastasis Recti is treatable with physical therapy, as well as the support of loved ones and a positive mindset. This blog will outline the positive progress that can be made with postpartum Diastasis Recti and physical therapy, giving you hope for a strong and healthy post-baby body.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

Hope for Pelvic Prolapse: Understanding Treatment and the Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic prolapse is a condition that affects many women, but it is often not talked about due to its sensitive nature. However, there is hope for those who suffer from it. Treatment options range from surgical procedures to non-invasive methods, but one option that has shown promising results is pelvic floor physical therapy.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of pelvic floor physical therapy and how it can help treat pelvic prolapse. We will also discuss the common misconceptions about this type of therapy and the types of exercises that can be done. By understanding the options available for treatment, we can approach this condition with hope and optimism.

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Kelsey Beach Kelsey Beach

3 Tips For Healing Your Pelvic Floor After Giving Birth

After you’ve given birth, your pelvic floor muscles are going to be weak and you will probably experience some degree of incontinence (leakage of urine). It is important to start relearning your body along with retraining & strengthening your pelvic floor muscles along with your core after giving birth. This will help you heal quickly and reduce the risk of developing problems such as prolapse in the future.

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