Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach

What is Diaphragmatic Breathing?

Discover the benefits of diaphragmatic breathing for pregnancy and birth. Learn how accessing the lateral and posterior thorax optimizes pelvic floor function, baby positioning, and pushing efforts. Enhance your prenatal routine with this essential guide.

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Birth Kelsey Beach Birth Kelsey Beach

The Scary Truth About Eating and Drinking During Labor

You're about to embark on one of the most intense, awe-inspiring journeys of your life - childbirth! But before you dive headfirst into the world of labor, let's talk about a question that's probably crossed your mind: can you eat and drink during labor? It's a bit like wondering whether to bring snacks to a movie, except this "movie" could last anywhere from a few hours to a day or more. So, let's break down the evidence on eating and drinking during labor.

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Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach Pregnancy, Birth Kelsey Beach

Your Pelvis is NOT too Small to Birth a Baby

Ah, the history of birth and the myth of having a "too small" pelvis for natural childbirth have quite the intertwined story. Throughout the centuries, our understanding of childbirth and the pelvis has evolved from ancient mysticism to modern science. In the past, when knowledge was limited, there were fears and superstitions about a woman's ability to give birth naturally, often linked to the size and shape of her pelvis. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Today, we know that a woman's pelvis is incredibly adaptable, designed to accommodate a baby's journey into the world.

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